About Us
Learn about us
Nestled in Research Park on the south side of the University of Utah campus, the School of Dentistry offers an innovative curriculum and unparalleled views of the Salt Lake Valley. With a focus on research, instruction, and patient care, the school serves both the patient community and the future leaders of dental health.
The School of Dentistry represents a new chapter in the history of University of Utah Health.
The School of Dentistry has served students, educators, and communities since 1980, and continues its mission to pioneer advances in research, education, and training. Learn more about our long history of advancing dental health.
The School of Dentistry offers competitive career positions for clinical and research faculty, as well as fulfilling administrative opportunities. See more information about current openings.
To share career opportunities for students and residents, please send the advertisement to our Office of Education.

Contact Us
Administrative Office
Ruby Roller, MHA
Senior Manager of Administration