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General Practice Residency (GPR) Program

General Practice Residency (GPR) Program

The GPR program provides residents with a year of advanced general dentistry education in various clinical settings throughout Utah: University of Utah HospitalGreenwood Health Center, and Montezuma Creek Community Health Center. Residents gain exposure to treating a diverse patient population and build unique skills in addition to participating in didactic lectures and seminars. 

Learn about our Training Clinics

    • 10 positions are available (PGY1)
    • ADAT is not required for application
    • You must be a gradate from a CODA-approved dental school
    • We accept residents from the US, Canada, and Puerto Rico
    • Exposure to all specialties and advanced general dentistry procedures are taught in our program
    • We have a large faculty pool to draw from
    • We are looking for highly-motivated individuals who value learning and are willing to put forth an effort to take them beyond what they learned in their predoctoral programs
    • 10 first-year spots are available for prospective residents
    • One optional second-year program available

    The annual salary for 2024 – 2025 is $71,064 plus benefits.


    • life insurance,
    • disability Insurance,
    • health Insurance,
    • fifteen (15) working days of paid leave.

    Additional Program Benefits:

    • Safe Sedation Training
    • Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS)
    • 3-day implant training at WhiteCap Training Institute
    • Utah Dental Association Meeting Registration
    • Certificate in Nitrous Oxide
    • Reduced tuition to the School of Dentistry CE courses

    Why Utah?

    Welcome from Our Program Director

    Contact Us

    General Practice Residency

    Wendi Rood
    Program Manager